Ashland Optimist Bulletin March 1, 2025
Breakfast: March 8- Robert Blake, John Travlos, and Bern Bonderer
Program- OSHER Spring Semester
We will host Bingo on March 7th, and it will be a $1,199 night. If you usually help on the first week, but won't be available, please let Barrett Glascock or me know by Wednesday.
Leigh Kottwitz, Loren Plank, and Chris Felmlee provided an excellent breakfast this morning with an egg casserole, baked goods, and fresh fruit.
Barrett let us know that we were audited by the gaming commission and have solved the majority of the issues they discovered. Ken Bishop asked for donations of used rodeo shirts for a quilt and reminded people that the Spring Fling fundraiser will be at the Senior Center on March 6th & 7th, with food served from 11-1:30 each day, and a variety of items for sale.
Our speaker this morning was Gunny Kline, Hartsburg American Legion Commander, and 22-year Marine veteran. Tammy, his Adjutant, Don, his 2nd Vice President, and Steve attended the meeting to support him. Gunny shared that the American Legion was started by Congress after World War I and advocates for veterans through support in careers, education, health benefits, as well as supporting patriotism and camaraderie. The Hartsburg Post 424 was started in 1942. If you are not a military veteran, but have others that are in your family that served, you can also join the Auxiliary for spouses or Sons of the American Legion for sons or grandsons of military members.
Gunny talked about their building with a full kitchen and ball field that they have available to rent and about some of the programs they support, such as Boy State and Girl State, as well as a cadet program they are working on with the Ashland Police. The American Legion Post also provides food, clothing, and carpool services for members and people in the community. Dues are $50, the majority of which goes to the national American Legion program, which they use to fight for veterans' rights.
When Gunny was finished with his presentation, he drew for the Attendance drawing. Doug Smith, Chris Palmer, and Dayton Grover had their chance at riches, but with their absence, the pot will have a chance to grow again.
Letitia DenHartog