Ashland Optimist Bulletin February 15, 2025
Breakfast: Feb. 22- Carole Iles, Dorise Slinker, and Tony Ash
Program- Dawn Day, Middle School Principal
We will have Bingo on Feb. 21st, and it will be a $1,199 night. If you normally work the third week and are not available, please let Barrett Glascock or me know so we can find coverage.
We are finished with Youth Basketball games at the Middle School but still need help for makeup games at the Primary building on Mar. 1st. Here is the link to volunteer:
The Optimist Board met on Feb. 13th for a quick meeting. They filed taxes for the Optimists and the Foundation and agreed to host the SBEDC (Southern Boone Economic Development Committee) Leadership Breakfast on Apr. 17th. The Board will be asking for members to provide breakfast casseroles for this event.
They also received recognition pins from the Optimist International office in St. Louis for Kyle Baker and me for sponsoring new members. Tara Blue has taken on the responsibility of the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in joining the Optimist Board, please contact her at
If you didn't come for breakfast this morning, you missed an incredible breakfast, made and served by the Ashland FFA Chapter led by Rebekah Hammett and Jeff Suthoff, which won the Model of Innovation Chapter Award for the state of Missouri this past year.
Ken Bishop and Barrett Glascock shared the Board report and the fact that the weather prevented our presentation of the check from the Board to the Hartsburg American Legion for their Veteran Support group. Gunny Kline, their Commander, will be our speaker on Mar. 8th before their next meeting on Mar. 12th, so we may present the check at that point.
Aubrey Quinn, who is the current president of the Ashland FFA Chapter and Rebekah Hammett came in and spoke to us. Aubrey shared that next week will be FFA Week, with members going to SkyZone on Monday and spending time at the Primary School on Wednesday. Rebekah shared about the three circles of FFA: classwork, SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experiences) and Leadership. Every student is encouraged to have an SAE in Research, Placement, or Ownership which are guided by the instructors and aided by grants from the FFA Foundation. They shared stories of current students and what they are doing, along with samples and pictures that were available for viewing at breakfast.
Rebekah said that she works with the Freshmen on ideas for SAEs and learning how to track finances for their projects, as well as personal finances. She works with students on choosing projects that they are interested in instead of what others want them to do.
Our FFA is always looking for ways to help, but it is best if Rebekah is contacted four to five weeks in advance so that students can fit things into their schedules.
ED NOTE: The Optimist Southern Boone Community Pool info and registration forms are up on our website and people are already signing up for swim lessons, pool parties and season pool passes!
Also, a late addendum from Leigh Kottwitz:
Hello Optimist members --
For those coming to Saturday's meeting, I wanted to ask if we can collect individually wrapped snacks to send back with Dr. Day to support our Middle School teachers and staff for two reasons: to say thanks for the use of their building for basketball and to show our support for some of the issues that the Middle School dealt with in the fall. Ideas might be granola bars, fruit bars, Little Debbies, snack crackers, fun size candies.
Have a great week!! Leigh
Letitia DenHartog