Ashland Optimist Bulletin January 11, 2024
Breakfast: Jan. 18- Barrett Glascock and Shawn Steelman
Program- Joy Rismiller speaking about travel
There will be Bingo on Jan. 17th. If you normally help on the third week and aren't available, please let Barrett Glascock or me know.
Because of the weather, we did not have our Optimist Breakfast meeting this morning. I hope everyone is safe and has been able to get out.
The weather also kept us from having youth basketball this weekend, but we need people to sign up for this coming Saturday since there will be basketball games at the middle school and primary buildings, and no one has signed up yet. Here is the link to volunteer:
Lunch for the referees and timekeepers at the Middle School continues through Feb. 15, with lunch needed for 4-6 people. This should be dropped off at the score table in the middle school gym between 11:00-11:30, if possible. If interested, you can sign up at
Bev Steelman has agreed to head up this year's Pancake Day again. It will be held on Feb. 1st, serving 6:30 to 11:30. As with any Optimist event, volunteers are needed to help make each event a success. Same as last year, we will have two work shifts available, so you don't have to be there the whole time. The first shift is 5:30 - 9:00 a.m. which will include set up. The second shift is 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. which will include cleanup. Bev Steelman is working to get the schedules filled. Her contact info is: BEVSTEEL52@AOL.COM or text/call 573-489-2387. Please contact her to sign up for any time you are available to help. The flyer is attached if you have some place to hang it up.
Letitia DenHartog